Sunday, April 27, 2008

Enough of being young and stupid.
I think it's time to grow up and stop thinking that I can save the world.

I have been irrational - having an unreasonable belief in my abilities to make a change.
Maybe my Aunt is right. I'm going to be a filmmaker, not an activist. I thought I could be both. I was wrong.

It's interesting what Apple Bee was telling me the other day about how all humans seem to have similar lives, yet their inner selves are so different. They could act normal and be thinking about something completely out of the ordinary. That is what my life is like. That is what everyone's life is like, I presume.

There is a strange mix of the seven sins - buried deep inside - only to turn to ashes with my body - or to emerge in bits and pieces through my films.

We humans are complex - maybe it won't be so bad being reincarnated as an insect or something...

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