The screenings started at 3PM. I was sort of nervous. I can't describe what I felt when my film began - it was a mix of vulnerability and excitement. After the film I went up to the podium. I was really nervous. Once the audience raised their hands and started with their questions and comments, I warmed up and had a lot of fun. I was calm, and contrary to all my fears, replied to the questions with ease. I was happy to get a lot of reactions from the audience. I stood there so long that the people back in the projection room were signaling me to leave. For me, the reactions were enough to make me feel satisfied with the film, though personally I still have a lot of problems with it.
I got done with my film before 5PM, which was cool because I could then relax and enjoy rest of the films. Sunshine called in between, and we had a long chat. Can't wait to meet him and enjoy Delhi with him. We have decided to eat something different every time we go out. Can't wait to meet him :)
Coming back to yesterday, there were lots of other screenings. Goofy, Bozo, Devil and Asshole. No need to go into details. Just that Goofy's film was very well received. Devil's film had problems, and she was very defensive after the film - all of this gave me a headache. I thought I missed Asshole's film when I was out talking on the phone - but sadly I had not. I didn't want to see the film so much as his interaction with the audience. I was curious to see if people are honest or polite. They were both. A very senior professor said that he should go study documentary - since his film is a mix of different forms. Hah! Bozo's film was depressing - I knew that the story was weak, and CRAZY - but everything else was a surprise - the bad editing, lighting, and sound were so horribly wrong. The senior professor guy had his face covered in embarrassment.
After the film, we all had some food, and then headed to the bar. A lot of my classmates (the animators) were very tired and wanted to go sleep - but I had an urge to get really drunk. This bar is the one that doesn't let me in without my passport (!!), but I thought I would give it a shot with Nemo's driver's license. She is whiter than me, also shorter, rounder face, longer hair -and Taiwanese! So what are the chances I would get in with her ID? That's right, 100%. We're all international after all - Asian actually. So the bouncer had no problem in letting me in :)
Then after a few beers, we all got sort of drunk. Nemo was drinking for once, so that was fun. Goofy was okay, ND was slightly drunk, and Po was having the time of his life! The music was nice, the deck outside was chilly but beautiful. Nemo and I were in each other's arms all night, mostly because she wanted me to protect her from this guy Mike who hits on her all the time. ND and Po went on and on about how Goofy and I are the best out of the lot - out of the five (and you know the other three!). I know that my film was not great - and I don't believe when some one says that it was. But I am ready to believe that they saw my potential through this film. This is not my best work, of course, but it is a beginning.
So after all the drunken fun, dancing, and standing under the rain in the parking lot refusing to go back home, I slept till 1PM today :) Have so much to do now in the next three days - that's all I have left :)
In all this chaos and happiness, I forgot to wish Aditya a very happy birthday - and it seems like he has left Delhi, and will not be blogging for a while. Here's wishing you a happy 23rd birthday :)
I'm off to buy decorations for the commencement this weekend. Then ND's having some films screened in a festival tonight. I'm free!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
I'm free. free falling...
Posted by
2:28 PM
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I want to see your film so bad! I youtubed it to see if you had added it...I guess not.
ROFWL about getting in with Nemo's ID!
I'm sorry - will upload it ASAP :)
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