Sunday, January 4, 2009

I've been watching episodes of Skins on youtube thanks to my latest preoccupation with Dev Patel. I got hooked and saw the whole season 2. Before you judge me, I fell asleep at 5PM (after having the most delicious Coriander chicken with rice) and got up around 12:30AM, which means that my jet lag is still alive and kicking. It's 4:35AM now. What do you do when you wake up at midnight after what feels like a full night's rest? You watch Skins! right?

The point is that I can relate to these high school kids' problems in the show. I wasn't a lot like them when I was their age. Never unsure about myself. Not confused. Not vulnerable. And now I am all these things - at twenty three and a half! That's not right. I feel foolish knowing that I've been acting like a teenager, and I really want to be a teenager so that I don't look foolish. Funny how life works. When I was younger what I wanted most in life was to be older. Stupid human brain always wants what she doesn't/can't have. 

It's minus thirteen degrees celsius outside. So depressing. And some blogger friends of mine (yes, YOU) insist on making it snow on their blogs BY CHOICE! It's cold in Delhi too you know. And Christmas is long gone. Haven't you had enough already?

I need to see a shrink. Not just because I really need one - since I was a kid I always wanted to see one - and deep down I always wanted to be one.

I think I should meditate and do yoga. Its stuck in my head that these two things will change my life. Or maybe one of those weekend self-help sessions. Or three shots of vodka in a row followed by violent banging of the head on the floor. Or escape. No, not suicide. That's too teenage a thing, even for me. Any ideas or free online shrinks around??


Piper .. said...

I strongly recommend three shots of vodka followed by a lil jig in the snow! :)
And btw, I have always wanted to see a shrink as well. And definitely always wanted to be one. Did infact start studying for the psych. residency. Then on some sudden whim, decided against it.. :( I dont seem to remember why!
Awesome pic you`ve posted.

Anonymous said...

Wow - you came pretty close to being a shrink - my only training was with love-stricken friends.
Will try the vodka shots. Strangely enough I don't feel like drinking these days.
The pic was taken from my phone camera because my real camera stopped working. Glad you like it, but the pic doesn't even come close to the magnificence of the falls. Will post some more soon.

Perakath said...

But why is the snow gone?

Anonymous said...

At the time of writing, it was still snowing but I'm glad it's gone now :)
Are you back in the capital??

Perakath said...

Almost-- back on Thursday. See you for dinner Friday?