Sunday, April 27, 2008

Angelic Baby T

Just received a bunch of photos of my cousin's wedding. It was really interesting to see the photos. Every person in the photos was a clear representation of their real characters, as far as I know them. I was wondering how interesting it would be to do an anthropological study on my family photographs - just as an experiment. Biases in the study would creep in firstly with the photographer, and then with me. Still sounds like it would be a fun thing to do.

Might go to the beach today. Yes, surprisingly there is a beach here. It's the Ontario lake actually. The same lake that causes all the snow to fall in the winters, transforms itself into a lovely, almost-real beach at this time of the year.

Want to go with a picnic bag, a book, pen, and paper.
The sun's waiting for me :)


Perakath said...

Lake Ontario? That's one of the Great Lakes, isn't it?

Apple Bee said...


You know near Boston, Cape Cod is supposed to be cool beach. Whenever I think of NY, Boston and other places, I can only picture knee high snow - but in summer the beaches make it seem like you are in Florida!

Go - relax and have fun!

surbhi said...

Aditya: I think so - it's HUGE. Ontario lake is what separates us from Canada.

AB: Yeah, the beach here is not even a real beach - just a lake shore - yet to beach deprived people like us, it's good enough.

Didn't really go to the beach - missed the bus!
Saw the bus leaving from the wrong side of the street - felt stupid - went to play basketball - soaked a lot of sun and came back in the mood to do some serious editing. Still sneezing :(