Monday, October 27, 2008

DABAALI is here!

Just went to the Indian store to get ready for tomorrow. Yes, things have definitely changed since last year when I just wanted a year off Diwali. I seem to have forgotten why I hated "celebrating" this festival at home. Without thinking about revisiting those posts in my archives, I shall share with you my first real HAPPY DIWALI. A simple mehndi pattern on my left hand (drawn to perfection by yours truly), a pack of six dias, and my only real favorite part of the festival - Patasas!!! I cannot describe my true happiness when I spotted these - my night and all day tomorrow is made! The sad part is that I cannot find a definition or a photograph of these yummy drops of heaven online.

So my friend asked me to open up the bag of patasas to eat, since I was jumping around like a five year old. I told him that you can't just eat them like a snack - I shall open it tomorrow when I do my prayers. "What prayers?", he said. "I will google image search Laxmi, read my prayer book, and then eat my patasas", I replied. Sounds like just another multi-tasking event - but this time, with PATASAS :D

Did I tell you about my Halloween party this past weekend? I got a wig, wore a black dress, and claimed to be a hooker. What do you think of that?

Before I forget, Diwali hugs to everyone :) 
Say a prayer for me when you look at the smoky Delhi sky tonight..


Perakath said...

And smoky it is! Prayer sent out...

Perakath said...

{delete this}

nostalgic chica said...

thanks :)

There is no delete option under your comments - I wonder why!?
How come you always leave a blank comment with an unblank one?

Perakath said...

Because I like to check the box that says 'email follow-up comments to...', and to do that you need to be signed in to blogger, and sometimes I'm not signed in, so I sign in while posting the first comment, and then I need to post another comment to be able to check the box... samjha?