Friday, January 9, 2009

I have a cold sore in the center of my upper lip.
It's ugly, painful, and really ugly.
I refused to do anything about it and let it prosper on my face.
I took 4 painkillers everyday - until I understood my anger.
I wanted people around to make as big a deal out of my cold sore as my mom and dad would have if they were with me.
Spoilt. spoilt. spoilt brat that I am.


Piper .. said...

aww.. I hope you`re feeling better now. If its still very bad, take some antibiotic or something. And if you want some more fussing over, come on skype :)

Perakath said...

I have lip infections too :( not viral, though.

Anonymous said...

sorry - these comments got lost somewhere.

Thanks Piper - skype sounds cool. Email me your ID.

Aditya, how did you manage to get lip infections?? ;) Mine obviously was due to the extreme weather conditions here :)