Tuesday, February 10, 2009

I'm jumping with joy!

1. My sis is so cool. She is following her dream. I am so proud of her. Last I spoke with her, she was trying to start studying late at night while I was rushing to finish an assignment. It was strange in a really good way. A few years back I could not have imagined the both of us in grad school at the same time, mostly because I never thought I would come so far. Awesomeness!

2. My friend is happy :) Life is beautiful. This friend and another one also happen to be in a Bollywood film that just came out. It's a silly one minute scene and their voices are dubbed by other people, but I'm still jumping!!!

3. I'm in a major Bollywood mood. Coming Saturday I will be in a local theatre watching Billu Barber - not some Brit filmmaker's take on India - but a real Indian film. Right now my standards are not too high - so I wasn't disappointed when I heard bad reviews of Dev D. I still wanna watch it! 

4. This one just happened. I was looking for a song to share but never mind. This is wayyyyy better!


Piper .. said...

hey.. I see there`s so much to read! :)
So glad you your sis! And btw, I heard Dev D isnt worth a watch too. Becos of which I`m dying to watch it ;)

Perakath said...

I believe it's just called 'Billu' now, after the hairdressers of India protested?

nostalgic chica said...

I still haven't seen Dev D, but I did have the misfortune of watching Billu (thanks for the correction, Aditya). Fortunately I ended up watching it online instead of going to the theatre. Please remind me to stick to my pledge of NO MORE SHAHRUKH KHAN FILMS EVER now on.